1020 Why don't you stop kissing?
作成者:Web Master 作成日:火, 10/20/2020 - 11:27
The new coronavirus is spreading in Europe, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Latin America.
I don't know the details, but as far as I can see in the 007 series movies, people in these countries seem to have more "kissing habits" than Asians.
We speculate that the reason why the infection is worse in these countries than in Asians may be due to differences in kissing habits. It seems natural to avoid close contact such as kissing in the common sense that people are told to avoid the Three Cs, but even in Western media, I do not see or hear articles that mention "kissing". Is it taboo in these countries to profess to "ban kissing"?
Anyway, I would like to advise people in these countries, "Why don't you stop kissing until the pandemic is over?" Before closing the city.
As a preventive measure in Japan, it seems correct to make it a habit to "avoid three cs, encourage gargle hand washing, and wear a mask in public". (Posted on: 2020/10/20)
情報源: Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE